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One patient. One implant.

ConforMIS does something that no other knee replacement company does – we design and manufacture a full line of customized knee implants. No two are alike. Our femoral and tibial implants are individually sized and shaped to fit to each patient’s unique anatomy, offering advantages not achievable with “off-the-shelf” knee implants.

“Patients see me two weeks, four weeks after the surgery and they often seem like they had the surgery six weeks, ten weeks ago because their motion is better and they’re recovering more quickly.” - Barry Waldman, MD


Customized for each patient


Matched to your unique shape


Designed for optimal bone preservation

Redefining Knee Surgery

Watch below to learn more about the benefits of choosing ConforMIS for your knee surgery

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knee surgeon today!


The iTotal CR Knee Replacement System is intended for use as a total knee replacement in patients with knee joint pain and disability whose conditions cannot be solely addressed by the use of a prosthetic device that treats only one or two of the three knee compartments, such as a unicondylar, patellofemoral or bicompartmental prosthesis. Only a licensed physician can help you determine the appropriate medical treatment. There are potential risks to knee replacement surgery, and individual results may vary. Before making any decisions concerning medical treatment, consult your physician regarding your options and the risks of those options. The longevity, performance and feel of any knee implant will depend on various factors, including your physical condition, your activity level, adherence to your physician’s instructions, and other factors.

The Indications for Use include:

  • Painful joint disease due to osteoarthritis, traumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or osteonecrosis of the knee.
  • Post traumatic loss of joint function.
  • Moderate varus, valgus or flexion deformity in which the ligamentous structures can be returned to adequate function and stability.
  • Failed osteotomies, hemiarthroplasties, and unicondylar, patellofemoral or bicompartmental implants.
  • Revision procedures provided that anatomic landmarks necessary for alignment and positioning of the implant are identifiable on patient imaging scans. The implant is intended for cemented use only.

The implant is intended for cemented use only.

Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.